Welcome Amazi'n'gh Roots Project Blog

mardi 18 août 2009

My Layers Editor :-)

This came a long way from the rudimentary version I had used for the first engine demo (Prehistoire By JAKAMY) :-)
Now It can created and manipulate layer size on the fly.
I can either edit one layer alone or load all the scene defined layers at once for real time impression of what I do :-p

the scene layers are defined as this starting from the top most layer (of course this is a developer preference and can be altered very easily :-) ):
2 "overall" plant layers, 2 after entities plant layers, grass layer, rock layer, pre mountain layer, mountain layer,sky layer. and of course the Data layer which is invisible.
A total of 10 layers (didn't counted prelayers, since they are mostly for rain, fog ... effects).
As I wrote the number of layers used is a developer choice since the engine can handle as much as you want (of course the hardware must cope with it too ;-) ).

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