Welcome Amazi'n'gh Roots Project Blog

samedi 11 avril 2009

When Time Runs Out!

I received my "visit your web host account" alert email today as I set it up to happen every 2 weeks, but to my astonishment my website disappeared to a 404 website not found error!??
Even my account got deleted and no email received to notify as to why, how or else ?!(I do respect all their rules though!).
Anyway I'm re uploading the website again under the same address and account :-p
also Id like to use this post to explain my lack of news... I finished the engine tools, they are incredibly efficient, easy to use and time saving :-))
I planned to do some video captures of them but didn't find time yet :-(...because I started a FULL XNA GAME development! :-)

Ill try to take a day break in the coming week and use it to create and upload the videos, posts and else :-)

PS: I compiled an XBOX 360 version of the demo(in 5mn!) and it ROCKS!!

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