Welcome Amazi'n'gh Roots Project Blog

mardi 2 février 2010

What's your favourite Fruit?

A lot of time passed by :-(
I was then (and still) wrestling the bad job market in my home country trying to find a graduate rewarding job :-(
Of course I used the time to learn more (never ends guys ;-p   )
So I took on ObjectiveC ,iPhone SDK 3+ and Xcode quite bare handed at first I have to admit.
Since I had, as a requirement to start coding iPhone applications, to invest in a MacBook (OS X 10.6.2 :-)    )"how about a job first :-(   "
Anyway...  As of Today I am an official iPhone developer. The future applications Ill post will be under my name (just use JAKAMY as keyword in Appstore Search :-) of course not before I put there my first app :-p )

Normally iPhone Apps will have a general 1 month dev to store time-line (not like games that can take up a year+ :-|   )so I expect to release quite a few :-)
PS: to those interested into iPhone dev you will need not only to learn what I stated above but also to get a Mac and an iPhone since You can't test the interrupting phone-call situation with an iTouch(which I own :-p ) nor test the camera gps ....
and of course add to it an enrollment fee as an official developer in order to put your app for sale :-)

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