Welcome Amazi'n'gh Roots Project Blog

mercredi 3 décembre 2008

Half Bad News :-(

Sadly, I couldn’t acquire the XBOX360 elite this week as I had planned. Blame it on new French VISA regulation that was enforced :-( (need to update your staying VISA every 6 months instead of every year, and only on the French territory or paperwork can crush you and have you miss reentry schedule :-p ) .

Anyway, the good part is that even though acquiring it is now planned for in between the months of January and February, I’ll very likely have the new ’JASPER’ revision :-).

This new revision have a 65nm GPU and CPU which don’t overheat and consume less power ;-).

Its very important for me since where I live I get a 40+ degree Celsius! on summers.

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