and as promised here is first a screen shot of an old version of the game (engine test version)

this test version don't use yet a fixedgamestep and dont have vsync, still my development tablet-pc have a very shameful(bad Intel, bad!) weak graphic card (gma 965) which can't get me more than 70-40fps in HD(1280x720) resolution. In comparison my rather weak(todays graphic horsepower :-p ) Geforce 7600GS and Radeon 9700 Pro had a 400-300 fps on this same version!!.
and also here is another old version of the website:
here Ive updated and animated the top InfoTitlebar and kept the category selection menu. still its not pretty :-( [besides the title bar of course ;-) ].
Some may have noticed my webStore Ad on the top of my blog :-).
it wasn't easy but still I managed to add 3 Test items as it takes time to seek the original very high resolution art from my archives and adapt it to the main public.
Ive also added a friends snow like effect on the blog which increase the flocks number as we get close to the new year :-) ho ho ho
I plan to officially launch the 'ready' website in the coming 2 or 3 days, so stay Tunned :-)
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